Brotherhood Of The World Award

Hey everyone,

welcome back to another award that I was nominated for by Laura @lfbooks. She is a wonderful person. You should definitely check her blog and follow her immediately. So she nominated me for Brotherhood of The World Award and I still don’t know why I got nominated.

brotherhood of the entire world

The Rules – 

• Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
• Answer the questions sent to you.
• Nominate around ten bloggers.
• Create your set of questions for your nominees.
• List the rules and display the Brotherhood Of The World logo in your post


ughhhhh not again


1 – Briefly explain your blogging style (where your favorite blogging spot/tools – as in, on the couch using your smart phone or something).

I usually write using my PC and sit on my chair, obviously. But if I am feeling a bit lazy then I use my laptop. I usually listen to some kind of music while I/m writing. Actually I listen to music almost all the time or while writing a blog post I’ll just listen to some random video of a YouTuber.

2 – How do you manage your blogging time including blog reading time?

I usually get to writing a blog post as soon as I get back from school, but most the time I end up wasting my time by scrolling through twitter or watching YouTube. I read whenever I get time. I haven’t set any specific time for it. And I read other blogger’s posts whenever I get time while writing some blog post.

3 – Who is your most read author?

I think that it is Enid Blyton. I have read about 20 of her books.

4 – How did you come up with your blog name?

I think I’ve answered this question for the Mystery Blogger Award. So I am going to use the same answer. I had decided to make a blog in haste and hadn’t really figured things out. So one day, instead of studying (something I am doing right now as well), I sat down in front of my PC and my mom and I went through some of the most ridiculous names ever. I wanted the name to be something related to dreams(don’t ask why) but almost all the names I thought of had already been taken. In the end we came up with this name.

5 – What keeps you blogging?

My love for books! Also I love writing in general. And most importantly you all supportive people! Also the community. Also Food. 


I can’t think of any new questions so I am gong to use these same questions. Also why do I feel that everybody keeps answering these same questions? Here are my questions –

  1. Briefly explain your blogging style (where your favorite blogging spot/tools – as in, on the couch using your smart phone or something).
  2. How do you manage your blogging time including blog reading time?
  3. How did you come up with your blog name?
  4. What keeps you blogging
  5. What would you do if I grant you a wish?


Joe @Storeys of Stories Blog

Mini @Books And Corner

Emmy @Emmy B. Reading 

Emily @Emilyburnsmua Blog


ughhhhh not again

So those are all the nominees. Thanks again to Laura for nominating me. I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Tell me in the comments something about your blogging style and I’ll see you next time.


❤ aDiTi

19 thoughts on “Brotherhood Of The World Award

  1. Thank you so much for nominating me and congratulations! In one of your Blogmas posts you mentioned liking Fangirl – just wanted to let you know that I started reading it, I’m half way through and love it! So thank you for the recommendation ☺️

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